Indications for Breast Reduction
Women decide to undergo breast reduction surgery not only for aesthetic reasons. Large breasts can be problematic.
Firstly, it is difficult and the owners of an impressive bust often suffer from back pain, breathing problems and skin irritation due to the fact that the straps of the bra cut deeply into the skin.
Secondly, it is inconvenient – it can be difficult to choose underwear and clothes, especially if the girl as a whole is diminutive. There is also a psychological aspect: not every woman with a large bust is happy with increased attention from the opposite sex.
Sometimes large breasts become a source of complexes and constant psychological stress and can lead to a loss of self-esteem.

One week before breast reduction
- stop taking medications that affect blood clotting;
- stop taking hormonal contraceptives, temporarily replacing them with alternative options to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
- quit smoking;
- refrain from alcohol;
Note that the decision to take certain medications or refuse them for the period of preparation for mammoplasty is made strictly in accordance with the recommendations of a doctor: a plastic surgeon, anesthesiologist and gynecologist.

Preparing for Surgery
The breast is reshaped, the nipples are moved to a new position, the areola may be reduced.
Breast reduction can be combined with breast lift surgery. The operation is also performed when one breast is larger than the other
Breast reduction is performed under general anesthesia, the operation lasts 2-3 hours, the optimal method of surgery is selected by the plastic surgeon after assessing the volume of excess tissue and breast shape.

There are two main ways to reduce breast size:
- anchor reduction – a method of breast reduction using an inverted T-incision
- vertical reduction – the operation is performed in cases where it is necessary to remove a relatively small excess tissue.
Absorbable sutures are applied to the incision sites, leaving barely noticeable scars, which are removed in the postoperative period with the help of special medications

Operation Process
Most often, breast reduction surgery takes 1.5-3 hours. Methods can vary; the most commonly used method involves the removal of excess breast tissue and fat in the lower breast area, combined with an upward nipple shift and possibly a reduction in the nipple.
In some cases, breast reduction may be accompanied by the suction of fatty tissue from the breast area. Especially in the case of very large breasts, this can improve the desired result. Different techniques are used depending on the size of the breasts. During the course of these various techniques, the scars are located in different places. The incision goes around the nipple and down in a T. In this case, the scar will run around the nipple and move in a T-shaped direction outward and towards the neckline.

How is rehabilitation going
- The woman spends the first day after the operation in the intensive care unit under the supervision of doctors.
- On the second day, the patient is discharged, and the first two or three days are shown to rest, the absence of any physical activity.
- On the 4th – 5th day, you can gradually return to the previous way of life, avoiding stress on the arms, pectoral muscles. This rule must be followed for at least 6 weeks after the operation.
- On the 7th day, you must visit the clinic for dressing.
- Sleeping on your side is prohibited for the first two weeks.
- Sleep on the stomach is prohibited for the entire rehabilitation period.
On average, the rehabilitation period lasts about two months, but how much depends on the type of surgery. So, after mastopexy, the recovery is faster, the longest recovery lasts after the installation of implants.
In all cases, the first weeks after the intervention, you need to take the drugs prescribed by the doctor. These are anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics – they are prescribed for pain relief, relieve inflammation and prevent the development of infection.
Recovery after surgery is always associated with the development of breast swelling, bruising. This is quite normal; swelling and bruising will disappear over time.
In the first month, the sensitivity of the nipples may be disturbed, the sensitivity of the breast itself may be changed. This is normal, gradually the sensitivity will return to normal.

How is rehabilitation after mammoplasty by day:
- The woman spends the first day after the operation in the intensive care unit under the supervision of doctors.
- On the second day, the patient is discharged, and the first two or three days are shown to rest, the absence of any physical activity.
- On the 4th – 5th day, you can gradually return to the previous way of life, avoiding stress on the arms, pectoral muscles. This rule must be followed for at least 6 weeks after the operation.
- On the 7th day, you must visit the clinic for dressing.
- Sleeping on your side is prohibited for the first two weeks.
- Sleep on the stomach is prohibited for the entire rehabilitation period.
On average, the period of rehabilitation after mammoplasty lasts about two months, but how much depends on the type of surgery. So, after mastopexy, the recovery is faster, the longest recovery lasts after the installation of implants.

Possible Side Effects of Reduction Surgery
- Infection
- Bleeding and blood clots
- Increased nipple sensitivity
- Breast asymmetry