Why is rhinoplasty needed?
Rhinoplasty is a major area of plastic surgery for the elimination of congenital or acquired defects of the nose. With this procedure, you can eliminate the causes of breathing difficulties, as well as give the nose the desired aesthetic appearance.

The popularity of rhinoplasty is not accidental, because the nose is one of the most important facial features, which directly affects the appearance and, as a result, self-confidence. For those who are dissatisfied with the size, shape, or proportions, rhinoplasty can be a great solution for making the dream of perfect appearance a reality. But rhinoplasty also solves another important problem – the elimination of defects in the functions of the nose that have arisen as a result of trauma, congenital or acquired deformity of the nasal septum. Often, patients want to combine business with pleasure, and in addition to eliminating functional damage, aesthetic correction is also performed.

The main rule for any direction of the operation is to carry it out only with an experienced surgeon, in whose choice the medical company Estheticistia will always help you. We work exclusively with qualified specialists and proven medical institutions. This is confirmed by many successful results and happy clients.

Rhinoplasty methods
For the implementation of the above tasks, many methods are currently provided, which can be divided into two groups: open and closed rhinoplasty.

Private method
can be simplified as follows: during the operation, the doctor performs all the manipulations inside the nose, for example, through small incisions in the nostrils. This technique has clear advantages: the operation is fast enough, there is less trauma and rehabilitation, the edema subsides earlier, and the arteries important for blood circulation remain intact. The closed method is somewhat more complicated than the open one, and to a greater extent requires a highly qualified surgeon. As a rule, closed rhinoplasty is performed for aesthetic purposes that do not require serious intervention.

Open rhinoplasty
guarantees the surgeon a better view of the nasal skeleton and provides visual control over the operation. It is this technique that is most often used to eliminate functional disorders: significant congenital or acquired defects. Also, closed rhinoplasty may be preferable if the aesthetic surgery involves the installation of implants or other complex manipulations.

an innovative method that uses ultrasonic waves to accurately target the nasal bone tissue. The main advantage of piezorinoplasty is its high power, but at the same time it is safe for the patient. This method does not require the use of physical force from the doctor; it can easily streamline any solid surface, including bone tissue. And another important advantage is quick rehabilitation and return to the usual way of life, because piezorinoplasty does not damage soft tissues and blood vessels, which reduces the intensity of bruises and swelling, as well as other undesirable consequences.

To understand which method is right for you, you should consult with a specialist who will take into account the desired result and individual indications. To do this, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of a surgeon and a medical institution. Estheticistia is ready to provide you with both reliable information about successful and qualified specialists in Turkey, as well as provide professional advice. This will help you make the right choice based on your wishes and financial capabilities.

Which method should you choose?
Since each person is individual, the choice of the method of surgical intervention should be determined differently in each specific case. But if to generalize, then in complex and non-standard cases it is better to give preference to the open method, and if the surgeon recommends open rhinoplasty, then you can safely choose it. Piezorinopalstics is one of the safest and most modern methods that will most accurately provide the desired result and ensure a quick recovery. Whichever technique is right for you, Estheticistia will select a qualified specialist who will cope with the task at the highest level.

Features of rhinoplasty in Turkey
Rhinoplasty is one of the most common operations worldwide for patients of all ages, but adolescents are especially in demand for such procedures. Turkish specialists are very attentive to each individual case and take into account all the characteristics of the body. For young people, surgeons from Turkey recommend waiting for the period when the shape of the nose is finally formed: for women, on average, by the age of 16, and for men by 18. If you are confident in your intention to correct the shape of the nose or some of its defects, then Turkish plastic surgeons successfully carry out the operation even in difficult conditions, such as multicomponent surgical interventions. And in order to make your dream of an ideal